"It's Just About Time for the Revolution" is an original song by the musical artist The Guide to Fast Living.
We're all born under the same old sun
it don't shine so equally
but we got light and we got heat
and we're bringing it to the reckoning
Because it's just about time for the revolution
The song was written in early May 2020 by The Guide to Fast Living sole ongoing member and singer/songwriter Kurt Hoffmann while he was sick and in quarantine with Covid-19. It was also a response to unrest in our country and a desire for great change on a national and personal level.
IJATFTR was recorded in October 2020 in 3 studios between California and St. Louis. It is part of a new record from The Guide to Fast Living to be released in early 2021.
However, anyone who appreciates the song is welcome to this pre-release mp3:
Download and mp3 of It's Just about Time for the Revolution.
We invite people to use the song in creative, personal and professional projects. We do ask that you request official permission by submitting a form to contact our label, Alien Feedings.